The Home of Champions


Heathrow's Trampolining section is broken down into four different classes; Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced.

Classes run for between 1 to 3 hours. Our Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced classes are designed for both girls and boys that have either begun to development their trampolining skills already, or those that are new to trampolining. Trampolinists will develop their skills and abilities, progressing up to our Advanced class once at the required level.

All classes and squads are provided the opportunity to display their skills in our Club Championships and Heathrow's annual Christmas Display.
We do not have "Term Time" classes, our Trampoline classes run throughout the year (other than Christmas & Bank Holidays). Please see our 'Schedule & Fees' page for more information on bank holidays.


For further information on assessments, trails and joining procedures, please see our 'Joining' page.

Fees & Uniform

For information on class fees and billing dates please see our 'Schedule & Fees' page.

Heathrow uniform is compulsory for all trampolinists, which is available from reception.

Days & Times

Monday: 16:30 - 17:30
Monday: 17:30 - 19:00
Monday: 19:00 - 20:30

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