The Home of Champions

Adult Gymnastics

Our Adult Gymnastic class has proven to be a favourite for many. The class is for both males and females and runs for 1 hour and 30 minutes, all that's required to partake is a basic level of fitness and gymnastic abilities. The class is of mixed ability and backgrounds, which includes stunt-actors, martial artists, keep fitters and ex-gymnasts of all levels and ages. The class begins with a group warmup, followed by an unstructured class where the equipment is yours to use and explore, with coaches on hand to help and support if desired - the class is not suitable for complete beginners.

Sound fun…? That's because it is. Come along and have a go!
All participants must sign in at reception and be aged 16 or over. New members must have photo ID (Passport or Driving License).

Please note, you do not need to make a booking to attend.

Fees & Clothing

The class is £14.00 per person (£13.00 for Students).

Attendants must become a member of British Gymnastics, which includes a single or block booking insurance fee of £24.00 per year. You can have a "taster session" before committing to pay the insurance fee.

Suggested clothing; t-shirt with either shorts, leggings or track trousers (bare feet is also recommended).

Days & Times

Monday: 20:30 - 22:00

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